Sunday, December 6, 2009

Open Source Software (Blog # 6)

Open Source Software is a type of software that is produced solely by collaborative effort. Instead of creating software and charging a ridiculously high amount for it along with withholding the program codes like large software corporations do, open source software is online and open for anyone to use and tweak for their own personal use. Because of the fact that anyone can tweak open source software no one really owns the rights to it, which makes it good for people on a budget. Having no price or very little price placed on such software enables people to have access to high quality software on a tight budget.

This type of high quality software at low or no cost is extremely advantageous for offices and especially schools in the current economy. Schools have faced budget cut after budget cut and no longer have the budget to provide teachers with such software but because of open source software teachers now have the ability to go online and get some of this open source software for free! Instead of having to dish out hundreds of their own dollars on software to large companies. 

Here is a YouTube Video that gives a wide range of free open source software available online! It also explains what some of them are and gives real people's opinion's on them and how well they work! 

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