Sunday, December 6, 2009

Distance Education (Blog #9)

Distance Education has been a growing trend in the educational world. Online education also known as distance education is growing in popularity as a way for people to go back to school and get their masters degree's and other degree's that they always said they would go back and get. Technological advances have made it relatively simple to go online and find degree programs that one is looking to earn. But it is not only in college degrees that online education is found. High school's also offer a multitude of online classes, and in Florida, Florida Virtual School allows students to take an entire curriculum online. 

As a future teacher, online education has a very big effect on me and what it would do for my future career. There is a complete possibility that at some point in my career I could teach a class that is completely online. But the most exciting possibility in my mind for online education is in the special education field. As a special education teacher a lot of the students' that I work with will have very serious disabilities and might not be able to actually make it classes. This is where distance education is an absolutely wonderful concept! If I have students that cannot not physically make it too classes having the opportunity to take real classes online would be absolutely ideal. 

Here is the link to Florida Virtual School, which is a program that enables students to take classes online, either to get ahead in classes and take extra classes that might not fit into their schedules or to take classes online because they are unable to physically attend classes. It is also the program that I as a future educator, most likely in Florida, am most likely to be involved in. 

1 comment:

  1. Overall article is good but if you mention some disadvantages of online education then this article become realistic. As in real world every technology have some pros and cons.
    ged schools
