Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mac vs. PC

In class we discussed the pros and cons of the different types of operating systems, Mac's and PC's. We also discussed the differences in the commercials that these companies produce.

The Mac companies produce commercials that show the PC to be both old and outdated and therefore completely useless in today's technological world.

Click Here to see a video promoting Macs from Youtube.

The PC companies produce videos that portray the Mac company as a company that appeals to everyone and therefore is for everyone and is not the stereotypical PC computer that the Mac commercials portray.

Click Here to see a video promoting PC's from Youtube.

In my experience Mac's tend to be better for more creative projects whereas PC's are more geared towards everyday workings.

I would have to say that personally I am a MAC user, which is wonderful for the education system because it enables the use of creativity in the classroom, using videos, and programs such as garageband, moviemaker, animoto and photoshop.

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